The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Extra Curricular Activity information on the Choir

In the Spotlight Senior

Whilst choirs are generally known to simply be organized groups of singers coming together to blend voices and produce a various range of music across different genres, the BSC Choir is undoubtedly much more!

The BSC Choir is a highly committed and talented community. The Choir has faced many competitive challenges and has emerged victorious at national and international competitions. 

Being part of the BSC Choir is a major commitment! However, after spending tireless hours together, singing, dancing and laughing, one will come to understand that the BSC Choir is more than just a society. The BSC Choir also has active participation and support from BSC Alumni, who continue to show their support from across the globe!

Building on our recent success at the 4th Asia-Pacific World Choir Games held in Colombo, we will be preparing for the upcoming World Choir Games to be held in South Africa. The BSC Choir is truly world class. The BSC choir is more than an after school's a life changing experience and a growing family of excellence.

Head of Music (Instrumental): Pevindi Jayasuriya & Head of Music (Vocal): Kshaniah Aluwihare


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Extra Curricular Activity information on the Choir