On the 15th and 16th of June the year 11 students planning to enter the British School’s Sixth Form, took part in two transition days. There schedule included taster lessons, a university application workshop, house activities and time getting to know their form teachers. It was very well attended and all of the students in attendance grew from the experience. During a period of reflection some of the questions, concerns and learning points that the students mentioned were:
- I now know what is expected of me as a Sixth Form student
- The work seems like it is going to be a lot tougher than IGCSE
- I am really pleased I get to narrow down my subject choices
- I thought the university guidance workshop was really helpful and the fact we have a specialist counsellor is reassuring
- I am looking forward to being able to apply for badge holder positions.
Students appreciated that the days were shorter than a normal school day, which gave them a chance to digest the information more readily. At the end of the two day event students were given some transition work that they might want to think about over the holidays. The work provided is work that will give the student insight into the course and get them thinking the way they need to be as an A level student in those different subject areas. A link here is provided. A level transition work . Mr Rusling and Miss Peshani are really looking forward to working closely with the batch of 2024. The work starts on the 12th and 15th of August with consultations once IGCSE results are received.