Did you know that listening to music is like a workout for your brain? It helps you concentrate better, boosts your memory, and can even make studying or doing homework a lot more fun. Some researchers say that music helps your brain grow smarter and stronger! The music department at BSC is simply wonderful. Even if you are not a member of the choir, you can still demonstrate your musical abilities because every week there is a dedicated music lesson where you can challenge your breath and fingers by singing, play the recorder, glockenspiel, and other percussion instruments, or just have fun clapping along to the beat. Each week, junior school pupils attend one music class. They take part in various activities to help them become more harmonious, identify the beat or rhythm of a musical piece. The children learn about identifying the melody, pitch and engage in singing exercises.
Playing an instrument is another aspect of music education. The recorder is one of the instruments taught, and students strive to earn recorder belts while learning it. A method called recorder belts is designed to increase the enjoyment of learning how to play songs on the recorder. The karate belt system and this system are comparable. Students in grades 3-6 receive a piece of music each week to practice and turn in by the following week. It is suggested that they practice at home. The belts begin easy and progressively increase in difficulty. They receive a coloured piece of string, which they attach to their recorder, when they earn a belt. Many of the students work quite hard to get new belts and are very excited about obtaining these ones. There are various recorder pieces to complete, and you will receive a recorder belt each time you master the piece and are able to play it. White, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, red, brown, and finally, black belts are the available belt colours. The black belt is the hardest and highest rank in the year, but the components will change, so if you get it by the end, you will have a valuable certificate made specifically for you.
Every week, the Year 5 and 6 junior school choir meet in the KS2 music room. Our KS2 choir always put on a spectacular show at every school event including Christmas, Avurudu, UN day and prize giving. They practice a wide range of tunes, ranging from several well-known songs to master pieces. They rehearse group singing, harmonizing, and supporting one another. Even though most people in our school speak English, our amazing teachers will try their hardest to teach us other languages through songs. The music department will assist you with the words if you are participating in a class assembly and allow you to practice anything you like in your own style, enhancing your comfort level. In a groundbreaking development, children in Upper Key Stage 2 at our esteemed school are gearing up to showcase their musical powers on an international stage very soon. This monumental opportunity comes as a testament to our school's unwavering commitment to nurturing talent and fostering holistic development among its students.
By Aritha Fernando and Kimaya Alwis (Music Captains)