The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Year 6 engage in creative homework assignments

General Junior

One of our school’s fundamental values is instilling the Cambridge Learner attributes of being confident, innovative, responsible, engaged and reflective in all our students. One of the ways in which we aim to do that in Year 6 is by setting our students creative homework assignments that allow them to develop the attributes but also improve their skills of reasoning and problem-solving.

The benefits of giving creative homework tasks are immense as students have the opportunity to take ownership of their learning and are given more freedom to express themselves and carry out their own plans and ideas. Consequently, this may lead to making mistakes or ‘not getting it right the first time’, however problem-solving, critical thinking and reflection are key to an enriched learning experience.

Another advantage of involving students in creative homework tasks is that they are able to create strong links between their learning and real-life situations, thereby deepening their understanding of the knowledge and content that is shared with them in class. Furthermore, students are equipped with key skills for socialization including team work, being leaders, and working collaboratively. Recently, the students worked together on Microsoft TEAMs to design a PowerPoint and oral presentation about global issues like deforestation and global warming.

A recent example of creative homework that students completed independently was that students were asked to design a simple circuit for science and the innovation and creativity of the students was fantastic. Some had created models of: houses with functioning fans, street lights, game boards and World War II scenes.  

For our upcoming creative homework assignment, students are tasked with designing a World War II air raid shelter, using whatever materials that they like. On the date the project is due, students are encouraged to attend school dressed as an ‘evacuee’, thereby making their learning engaging and interactive which will help them retain their learning and the knowledge long-term.

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Year 6 engage in creative homework assignments