The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Peer learning in Year 6

General Junior

The first few weeks of 2019 have flown by in a flurry as the students and teachers of Year 6 have been engaged in many interesting learning activities across all curriculum areas. In maths, over the past two weeks, students have been focused on calculations and have been learning different methods for problem solving. They have also been undertaking many maths challenges which require reasoning as well as problem solving. 

One of the maths topics the students examined was long division and using short, or bus stop division. In order to develop student progress, students were given the opportunity to participate in peer learning. Not only is peer learning a fantastic way for students to learn from and support one another, but it also benefits student confidence, helps build classroom community and contributes to personal and social development. 

Well done for your enthusiasm towards all learning activities, Year 6!

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Peer learning in Year 6