The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Playgroup’s Messy Play

General Junior

There were plenty of messy moments in Playgroup classes this week. Some children were painting, coloured water printing and finger painting quickly became everyone’s favourite.

These ‘messy’ activities developed the children’s observation skills and encouraged them to take turns and then take part when there was an opportunity. This learning also allowed the children to be inventive in the ways which they can add and mix media, explore colour and how colours can be changed. They were also encouraged to make marks and squeeze and feel media such as paint. Conversations were also initiated by asking questions, ‘I wonder what would happen if we mix……’

Our next step is to use cornflour and water in our next messy activity and describe what we see happening to the mixture.

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Playgroup’s Messy Play