The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

This week in Year Two, we have continued to focus our writing around the book ‘Beegu’.

General Junior

This week in Year Two, we have continued to focus our writing around the book ‘Beegu’. She is a lovable alien who has lost her way and is finding it hard to make friends! Through discussions, role-play and shared writing, we have explored the characters and settings in more detail, using our inference skills to understand what is happening and how Beegu is feeling. 

This week we have been focusing on using time connectives to retell parts of the story. The children have been using these at the start of their sentences to tell us when something is happening and to help their writing flow. At first, the children came up with a list of time connectives and then worked together in groups to retell parts of the story to the rest of the class.

They made an extra effort to be confident when saying their lines which coincides with our work in PSHRE- showing the Cambridge attribute ‘Confidence’. The children have gone on to produce impressive storyboards and have been using time connectives confidently in their writing.

The children have fallen in love with Beegu and are looking forward to hearing the end of the story next week.


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This week in Year Two, we have continued to focus our writing around the book ‘Beegu’.