The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Extra Curricular Activity information on the Dance Society

In the Spotlight Senior

Ranging from Contemporary to Hip Hop to Kandyan Dance, our Dance Society performs in many of our school events after frequent practices of new and innovative choreography, which is extremely fun and full of unforgettable experiences. We are a young society that commenced last year due to increasing numbers of students who were interested in dance. Whether you are technically advanced or just a beginner, we aim to develop fundamental dance techniques at our practices every Thursday. We often work with the BSC choir and add choreography to their performances with the guidance and support of Ms. Shamistha.

Dance isn't just a performing art, it is a form of expression with the help of movement that has aesthetic and symbolic value. After joining BSC last year, I can honestly say that dance helped me settle into the school and gave me the opportunity to make friends in other year groups, forming a community of dedicated, passionate and talented individuals.

The Dance Society is a very rewarding society that develops your skills of being confident to perform in public, challenging your body to learn and do new choreography, working in a team and much more. It is a place students make memories and learn vital skills to carry on to life after school.


President: Maraiah Almeida


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Extra Curricular Activity information on the Dance Society