The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Year 10 & Year 12 Commerce Trip to the MAS Fabric Park in Thulhiriya

Senior Trip

On Tuesday the 09th of May 2017 the Year 12 Commerce students went to the MAS Fabric park in Thulhiriya on a field trip. They spent the morning session at MAS Athena, the training center of MAS Holdings, participating in a personality development and Team building work shop.

It was an interesting and interactive session where the students were briefed on how to face various challenges in life and were also taught how to identify and deal with different personality types.

After enjoying a delicious lunch at the Executive Lounge, the Year 12 students took part in a number of outdoor fun activities including a treasure hunt.

Before concluding a productive field trip, they also visited The MAS sustainable brick making project where bricks are manufactured using treated waste water and other bio waste material from the MAS Fabric Park.

On Wednesday the 17 of May 2017, the Year10 Commerce students of BSC went to the MAS Fabric Park in Thulhiriya on their annual field trip. They were taken on factory visits to MAS Kreeda, where they manufacture Nike sportswear and then to MAS Print Text where they manufacture fabrics for Nike, Victoria’s Secrets and GAP.


This was a golden opportunity for our students as they got to observe vital text book concepts practiced in reality. 

After a relaxing and enjoyable lunch, the Year 10 Commerce students were taken to visit the MAS sustainable brick manufacturing project.

After evening Tea and snacks, they concluded a productive field trip and started their journey back to BSC.      

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Year 10 & Year 12 Commerce Trip to the MAS Fabric Park in Thulhiriya