The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Year 3 Parent Workshop in JS

General Junior

In our recent Year 3 parent workshop at the British School in Colombo, we had the wonderful opportunity to delve into our children's remarkable work and gain valuable insights into the innovative approach to teaching mathematics at our school.

Ms Kathryn began the afternoon explaining to parents the maths curriculum here at the British School, parents were able to get a  deeper understanding of how we teach maths and the outcomes we expect by the end of the year we also shared ideas about how parents can support their children at home.

The workshop began in classrooms with an engaging showcase of the children's projects and assignments, highlighting their growth and achievements over this first term. The children were so proud to show their incredible work to their families and explain what they had been learning about over the last term in class.

It was a delightful and enlightening afternoon that fostered a deeper connection between parents, teachers, and our budding mathematicians.

These events are crucial for building a strong partnership between parents and teachers. They enable both parties to work together in the best interest of the child's education and well-being. It's an opportunity for parents to stay informed about their child's progress and to show their support for their child's learning journey.

We love having parents and families back in school visiting the classrooms and seeing how the children are doing we look forward to seeing you again soon.

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