Strawberries, white chocolate, and yogurt,
Crisco mouthfuls and white sauce on shirt.
Aprons and smiles make their science moment,
Stirring up the curd as their component.
The week beginning of 18.09.2023 was an all-exciting week for the kids of Year 2, here at BSC. The science field trip was organised under the topic ‘Healthy Eating’. We the year 2 were lucky enough to embark on this field trip with a high note. Getting the chance to make ice cream, a healthy dip, and bake a mini pizza in a mass kitchen won't happen every day. We are delighted that we were able to immerse ourselves in this memorable and educational trip. We believe that this trip enriched their subject knowledge. The little trips from their cooking stations to the refrigerator and walking from the strawberry jam to the white chocolate bowl are the moments of the matter.
Children loved every second of the trip or at least that’s what their smiles told us. A thank you going out to the organisers at the Hungry Islander’s Kitchen, Teachers from the JS senior management team, and the teachers of year 2. Stirring the pink yogurt with the classmates – our kids will always remember. Cheers to more healthy eating!