Year 3 have been busy with their Humanities topics throughout the year. We’ve enjoyed learning about our locality and visiting Nuga Gama at the start of the year. We then moved on to learn about the different climate zones. Exploring the Stone Age and discovering what life was like then was another favourite part of our lessons and it was amazing to see their Stone Age stories during the English lessons too. Discovering things about Skara Brae and Stonehenge helped children to see some prehistoric monuments. It was a great way for children to understand the beginnings of society, the influences they had in terms of farming and art and the incredible journey we’ve taken to the modern day. This term started off with us comparing Sri Lanka and South America and finding out similarities and differences between the two. The children have carried out some excellent research, mapping skills, use of atlases and group work throughout our topics. Learning about the Aztecs is our current exciting journey where the children are keen to find out more about the Aztec lifestyle.