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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Playtime Fun!

General Junior

As year 6 Pupil council members, we know how playing with toys safely during breaktime can promote friendships and wish to share how the Pupil Council members in KS2 help this happen every breaktime. Children have time outside after snack and they know how to spend time with friends safely and excitingly during their time in the playground. 

How the Pupil Council help: 

Although there are teachers in the playground throughout the breaktime. Pupil Council members, as responsible leaders, do to help the teachers. Firstly, Pupil Council members can help injured children go to the nurse quickly; secondly, Pupil Council members could help students nearby prevent using the toys in dangerous ways and lastly, after breaktime, Pupil Council members can clean up the toys efficiently to prevent students from tripping over them and getting injured. With little supports from the Pupil Council, the PURPLE students would be able to be safe and have more fun during breaktimes. 

How we promote friendship and playing together:

The pupil council assists students by interacting with all of them and making sure no one is excluded in the fun in playtime. We ensure that all students are playing sensibly and that there are no complications. The Pupil Council aids the students in having unbreakable friendships and prevents disharmony among them. Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the students cannot interact like before, and the Pupil Council helps them find alternative solutions to have as much fun while still staying safe. We also make sure that no student misuses the toys, risking the safety of children around them.  

The children have really enjoyed the opportunity to use the toys and mix with more friends at break time; including the skipping ropes, hula hoops, balancing on the cup stilts and balance boards and having races around the cones and over the hurdles. 

As Pupil Council members we have supported and encouraged friends to use the toys sensibly so you and your friends won’t get hurt and the toys do not get broken. We shall try to interfere with any kind of behavior that might break the toys.  The Pupil council members are all in favour of bringing the toys back since the pandemic, but children must handle them in care, due to the situation happening currently in Sri Lanka. We hope that basketball and football will be able to be introduced in the weeks ahead. 

By Ben, Anjana, Mikayla and Amani, Year 6 Pupil Council. 

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Playtime Fun!