The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Senior School Safer Internet Day

General Senior

This year, Safer Internet Day was celebrated internationally on Tuesday 8th February, and at BSC, we celebrated the whole week!

The theme of the week internationally was “All fun and games”, and Ms. Jehan conducted thought-provoking and relevant assemblies for students in Year 7-11 on the theme of respect and relationships in online gaming. Mr. Jacob conducted engagement assemblies for our Sixth Form students on the impact of screens on sleep, and shared some useful advice on creating necessary boundaries and a healthy relationship with devices.

The Senior School students did a ‘digital detox’ where they didn’t use their laptops at all during their break times, and instead were encouraged to talk with friends or take a walk outside. Students in Year 7-9 were invited to enter a competition to design a digital awareness leaflet. We had an interhouse duathalon where students competed to see which house could clock up the most walking/running or cycling miles, encouraging more movement and outdoor activity away from screens.

We also hosted a parent forum in the auditorium, where Mr David shared thoughts on the landscape of digital learning and what the school is doing to keep children safe online, as well as some information on popular apps students are using with respective age limits. Ms. Sylvana shared some thoughts on how the internet has helped us with student learning, engagement and community-building over the past two years, and Ms. Jehan shared some tips for parents on how to set screen time limits and nurture relationships with students to encourage open and honest dialogue.

Students in Years 7-11 have also been talking about various topics to do with safe internet use through our Digital Citizenship curriculum.

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Senior School Safer Internet Day