At BSC we pride ourselves in being a close community. People show care and concern towards others and show appreciation for the work that is done.
The children in Nursery have had an exciting ‘hook’ into their learning this week. They have spent time walking around the school, identifying people who help to look after them when they are at school. They introduced themselves to members of the security and housekeeping teams, learning their names so they can greet them personally every day. The children looked closely at the uniforms people wear around school to help them identify which team they belong to and they learned about the role they have in helping others. The children also visited the nurse's room and talked about how they help us when we are unwell. This has helped children develop confidence around school, interacting with adults that are less familiar.
To show appreciation for the work that the support staff do, the children in Nursery organised a tea party. During the week they took part in baking activities to prepare delicious treats for their guests. They made invitations and delivered them to individuals they wanted to invite.
On Friday they hung the decorations and set the tables beautifully, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the security team, housekeepers and nurses. The children were so proud and confident, serving cakes, biscuits and Milo to everyone that came to visit.
It was overwhelming to see the interactions between the children and the adults who are less familiar to them. The children gained a real satisfaction for the work they had done, and the teams felt very much appreciated. They left with happy hearts and big smiles as the children talked about the kind things they had organised for others.
The learning that took place during the week supports learning and development across all seven areas of learning. The level of engagement and motivation was high because the children had a purpose. They took ownership of their learning in deciding who to invite and what they needed to do if they wanted the tea party to be a success.
At home, there are many opportunities for children to become involved in planning and preparing for things that have a real purpose. For example, helping with the shopping list, setting the table, wiping up their spills and putting away their belongings. Young children gain immense satisfaction when they can do things for themselves. Invest time in teaching them and supporting them to become independent in their everyday lives.