The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo


General Senior

The Senior School Extra Curricular Activities programme kicked off for Lent term this Wednesday.  


Ms Shamele Ramesh started off the Mindful School on Wednesday, while the PE department ran early morning squad practices for swimming and basketball. The activities on Wednesday were Tennis and Athletics squad practices, Fitness training and Basketball Academy. 


Girls Basketball and U14 and U16 Football squads, Fitness training, the Badminton and Netball Academies, and Karate were run on Thursdays by the PE department while a number of clubs and societies resumed their activities for Lent term.  

The HOPE Society with Ms Christina Kanagaperumal met early morning on Thursday, while Interact, Art, Maths, Debating, and STEM clubs got together after school. The Scrabble Society with Ms Karina is now on Thursdays, too.  


The early morning Friday activities involved Mindful School with Ms Thushara and Swimming and Basketball squad practices. The other clubs in action this Friday were Dance, Computer Science, and Photography. The Friday Chess Club is now run by Mr Geeth Perera. 

Sports activities for Friday afternoons involved Fitness, Swimming and Football squads training, Badminton, Cricket, and Netball Academies, and Athletics. 


Special Activities 

The collective Maths Clubs are representing BSC this weekend in the South East Asian Mathematical Olympiad in Singapore and we wish them all the very best. 


We remind all our students that they must give their 100% of ECA: Effort, Commitment, and Attendance, towards their chosen activities for the term. 


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