I have been so pleased this week adding to our attendance notice board as so many classes have had 100% attendance over the week- well done to all of you who have been able to make such a great start to the new term.
Attendance is key to ensuring children succeed in school. Research shows that poor attendance in the lower school directly effects grades throughout school and therefore achievements later in life.
Arriving on time helps children to be settled and ready for the start of a busy day.
We all understand Colombo traffic, however, it is really important that children are able to be settled for the day by walking with their class mates to class and starting the day well. Many of our classes are starting mental maths, spellings and reading during the registration period; this means children arriving late are missing out. Children arriving late not only lose out on their own learning but disrupt the rest of the class who are already settled.
At BSC we expect 100% attendance. For some, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance. The reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss 18 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks.
We ask that you please try to avoid making medical appointments during school time and arrange family holidays during the school holidays. Each term, children who achieve 100% attendance will be receiving a special certificate. I hope that each term the number of certificates will increase.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Alison De Silva.
Deputy Head - Pastoral (Junior School)