Parent Meeting
On Monday 15 October 2018, the Award Leaders, Bronze-Level Entrants and their parents gathered in the Auditorium at 3:00 pm to be briefed on the Adventurous Journey component of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award for 2018-2019.
The Bronze Award Leader, Mr Toefl Lankapura welcomed the gathering and introduced Major Ruvan Ranatunga, the Director of Operations for Adventure Seals, who then briefed parents and students on the Training Programme scheduled during the half-term holidays. This was followed by a question and answer session for parents.
Award Leaders, Ms Chathuri Weerathunga, Ms Chathuri Dimanthi and Ms Celeste Ranasinghe and the Award Coordinator, Ms Nirasha Premaratne were also in attendance to answer questions from parents.
One week later, the first of the in-house sessions on Map Reading and Navigation began at 8:00 am on Monday 22 October in the Junior School Creative Room.
The first two days of the week saw our Bronze Award Entrants complete their training in Map Reading and Navigation and understanding the 15 requirements of the Adventurous Journey.
Ms Celeste, Ms Nirasha, Mr Toefl, and Ms Dimanthi volunteered their time for these sessions, which were delivered by Major Ruvan Ranatunga from Adventure Seals.
Silver and Gold
On Wednesday 24 October, the Silver and Gold Award Entrants spent the whole day in route planning and working on the details of their respective journeys. Ms Dimanthi and Ms Sylvana volunteered their time for these sessions.
Hanwella Camp
On Thursday 25 October, a group of 20 students accompanied by our trained Award Leaders, Ms Dilasha and Ms Kaushalya went to Hanwella Camp for further overnight field-training. The second group went on Friday with Ms Celeste and Ms Indira.
The Award Entrants received instruction and training in camp craft, including food and cooking, practice on navigation, necessary equipment and how to use it, observation and recording skills, route planning, and team building and leadership training.
They were also given the opportunity for appreciating the culture within the journey's environment and understanding the impact of the journey on the environment.
There were 36 students at Bronze level and one direct Silver Entrant participating in the In-House and Hanwella Camp Training Programme during the October Half-Term.
Seven Silver Entrants and three Gold Entrants completed their in-house training during this time.
Looking forward…
Over the next few weeks, all entrants will train to be competent in their chosen mode of travel and gain competency in the mode of travel. They will also receive training in First Aid and emergency procedures
We wish all our Adventurers at Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels, all the best.