This week in Year 2, we have begun work on poetry based on holidays and days out. Our focus poem this week has been ‘Busy Day’ by Michael Rosen. The children enjoyed exploring the structure, rhymes, rhythm and voices of the poem. Through shared reading, the children discussed the use of actions, movements, facial expressions and different voices. We discovered that it was much easier to remember and recite the poem when adding in these different elements. The children worked in pairs to rehearse the poem to perform to the rest of their class. The children were extremely reflective of each other’s performances, giving a ‘star and a wish’ to each pair; a successful element of their performance and something to improve upon.
Later on in the week, the children then used the structure of the poem ‘Busy Day’ to create a new version of the poem. We discussed busy days that different people might have, considering the places they go to and things that they do. Through visualising and shared writing, we thought of appropriate vocabulary to produce an innovative poem. Innovation is a Cambridge attribute that we have recently been working on. Some children even took on the challenge of using words which rhymed.
We hope you enjoy the poem below.
My Busy School Day
Pop in
Pop out
Pop in for computing
Pop over to swimming
Pop out from art
Pop down for PE
Pop in to the library
Pop up for modern dance
Can’t stop
Go to pop!
Got to pop?
Pop where?
Pop what?
I’ve got to,
Pop up to the classroom
Pop out to the bathroom
Pop round to the playground
Pop down to the lost and found
Pop up the stairway
Pop home far away!
Written By Dissas