The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Mental Health Week

General Senior

This year’s Mental Health Week kicked off at BSC on Tuesday 11th October with a focus on each of us taking care of our own mental health. Each Key Stage attended assembly and during this time, we reflected on the 5 ways of well-being. This concept was introduced last year and this year once again, we chose to focus on these five activities, namely: Take Notice, Keep Learning, Be Active, Give and Connect. Students were also encouraged to seek support from our school counsellor or any of the pastoral team members when needed.

During form times students were asked to ‘take notice’ by sharing a photo of their daily lives. Students posted their photographs on Teams and this led to a discussion of the little (and large) things that we sometimes miss out and it was encouraged that we focus on ‘being present’. Students were encouraged to focus on the little things that make a huge difference in our lives.

Students also had the opportunity to ‘learn’ some American Sign language and this activity helped students learn their name in sign language.

KS3 students had the wonderful opportunity of being ‘active’ as they danced away to Zumba. Huge thanks to Ms. Zilpa and Ms. Jehan for volunteering to run this session for us and from the many perspiring faces we can proudly say that engaging in Zumba certainly lifted the spirits for the vast majority of our KS3 student body.

‘Give and Connect’ were both achieved on Friday 14th October where students took empty pages from old notebooks to create new notebooks. These books will be given to Hope Society as part of their ongoing work to support Sri Siddhartha K V Horana school – our chosen charity project for this academic year.

The colour green symbolizes the awareness of mental health and helps fight the stigma that is often associated with it. Around the world, ‘World Mental Health Day’ was celebrated on 10th October and to create further awareness at BSC, Senior School students wore ‘green’ on Tuesday 11th to show solidarity in promoting mental health. We at BSC take pride in creating a culture of safety and we focus on making Mental Health a key priority in our everyday teaching and learning. 

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Mental Health Week