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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Senior School Commerce Week

General Senior

The 2022 Commerce Week of BSC was held from the 7th to the 11th of March 2022. After a prolonged period of online learning, the Commerce students were delighted to have this opportunity of celebrating all things Commerce.

The highlight of this year’s Commerce week was the Year group quiz. The Year 7s, 8s and 9s had their Year group quizzes during their morning assemblies. Despite not being Commerce students yet, they were very excited in participating in this contest. They thoroughly enjoyed this event, where they were tested on their knowledge and understanding in Commerce related topics as well as business slogans and logos. No doubt that some extremely talented and keen Economists, Businessmen and Accountants will join the senior school Commerce section in the near future.

The Year 10 and Year 11 quizzes were equally enjoyable events, all the more spiced up through the keen sense of rivalry between the contestants. The quizzes were based on Commerce related subject matter as well as current economic and business developments.

All the senior school students were encouraged to participate in the Commerce poster competition. The 3RD floor Commerce corridors are now adorned with an impressive display of posters ranging from impacts of inflation, Doubtful debts to elements of Marketing. The designers of the best posters will be receiving exciting rewards the following week

After a three-year hiatus, the Commerce society will be launching the 7th edition of “Bizanomics”. The magazine will be digitally published by the end of the summer term. All senior school students are invited to contribute to the magazine with Commerce or current affairs related articles, cartoons, interviews, cross word puzzles or poems.  


On Thursday the 10th of March, the “Teenterpreneur”- Inter House Business project was initiated through a Shark Tank Business presentation where a board of judges selected the House teams that will run real life business ventures.  Using the capital provided from school and the guidance and support from the Commerce department, these House teams will launch business ventures which they will operate and wind up at the end of the summer term. The proceeds of these businesses will be donated to a charity of the team’s choice. The best business venture will be selected and rewarded at the end of the summer term.  

The Commerce week was indeed a successful week full of fun activities, laughter, and a healthy bout of rivalry.

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Senior School Commerce Week