The British School in Colombo
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The British School in Colombo
The British School in Colombo

Year 2 learn how to divide

General Junior

This week in Year 2, we have been learning how to divide. We learnt that division is sharing a number equally.

First, we drew plates and used counters to solve a problem e.g. sharing 20 apples equally between 4 people. To do this, we drew 4 plates and counted out 20 ‘apples’ to share out one at a time to each plate, until there were none left. We then counted the number of apples on each plate to find out how many each person received. 

We learnt how to write the maths problem as a division sum using the ÷ sign.

Some children were able to use their knowledge of the 5 times table to work out the division problem, as they knew that 4 x 5 = 20

We also learnt that some amounts can be shared equally with some left over e.g. 18 apples shared equally between 5 people is 3 each and 3 left over.

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Year 2 learn how to divide